So what have I been doing the last month? The first couple of weeks was all about recovering from Rocky 100. Then I realized I was having an issue with my desire returning. I've been enjoying my recent runs, but I'm not as fired up as I would like to be right now.
So how do you combat that? By putting some new goals on the calendar. I am less than four months out from Western States. It's time to get it together and get into serious training mode. So I've put a couple of new races on my calendar. I'm warming up with a 5K this weekend (OK, I'm running it with a friend and it's a St. Patricks race, so there will be drinking involved - or so I hope!). The following weekend I'm running the Grasslands marathon in Decatur, TX. It's a terrific race and I'm happy I decided to do it. Then a month later I will be doing the Rocky Hill 50K outside of Smithville, TX. A month after that, I will be doing the Jemez 50 miler in New Mexico. Six weeks later is the big dance -- WS100!
Stair stepping these races will be good for me and keep me focused. It has worked for me in the past and I'm counting on it working again.